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If you need immediate information you can call one of these 24-hour toll-free hotlines.

  • Rape Abuse & Incest National Network
  • 800-656-4673
  • Childhelp USA
  • 800-422-4453
  • National Domestic Violence/Abuse Hotline
  • 800-799-7233

Forensic Consultation

I provide forensic services on cases involving  sexual assault, child abuse trauma, recovered memories, and other issues.

For most cases, I provide educational testimony rather than individualized assessments and case-specific reports or testimony, and it’s the attorney’s job to “connect the dots” between my testimony and other evidence and testimony.

I am very good at communicating expert knowledge and opinions in written and spoken language that is lucid and compelling to attorneys, judges, and jurors. References are available upon request.

To inquire about these services, email me at [email protected] and put “Forensic consultation” in the subject line.

Talks and Trainings

As a highly engaging and interactive presenter, I communicate very effectively with therapists and other professionals who serve or encounter traumatized people in their work, including police officers, victim advocates, attorneys, university administrators and commanding officers in the military.

The feedback I get includes words and phrases like ‘captivating,’ ‘highly effective,’ ‘enlightening,’ ‘extremely helpful’ and ‘transformative.’

I give talks and training on a variety of topics, mostly related to sexual assault and child abuse trauma, including:

  • The neurobiology of trauma and sexual assault. That is, how brain responses to sexual assault shape victims’ experiences, behaviors and memories, and the implications for eliciting accurate memories and testimony. Here’s a video of a 2-hour training on this that I gave in 2015 (which has since been updated in several ways).
  • Trauma-informed psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy with MDMA and ketamine. Here’s a 60-minute presentation I gave for a 2021 seminar hosted by The Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School.
  • The unique experiences and challenges of traumatized men, especially men with histories of childhood sexual abuse or adult sexual assault, and implications for treatment and outreach.
  • Brain processes involved in mindfulness, meditation and other contemplative practices, and how they can benefit therapists and their clients.

Trainings and most talks incorporate an engaging mix of lecture, video and other media, and when time permits, discussion and activities that promote experiential learning.

For more information, email me at [email protected].

Clinical Consultation

I work with adults (18 or older), as well as their family members, and specialize in childhood abuse, sexual assault, and other traumas.

Currently I provide time-limited telephone or Zoom consultation. That is, I offer knowledge, insights, and information about potential interventions that either (a) help people to find good local treatment for themselves or a loved one, or (b) briefly complement ongoing therapy (in cooperation with that therapist). These services do not require living anywhere in particular or meeting with me in person.

My clinical consultation clients include people in early to later stages of healing, who are seeking help with a variety of issues, including:

  • Understanding their unique needs and treatment options
  • Emotion awareness and regulation skills
  • Memories and potential memories of traumatic experiences
  • Safely engaging in meditation, yoga and other contemplative practices
  • Safely engaging in ketamine- and other psychedelic-assisted therapies (I don’t refer people to anything illegal)

I draw on many theories and methods of treatment, including the ‘stage model’ of trauma treatment, mindfulness-based and other contemplative approaches, cognitive-behavioral interventions, Internal Family Systems (IFS) and psychedelic-assisted therapy. All of my theoretical understandings and treatment approaches are informed by wide-ranging knowledge of treatment and scientific advances, including my own research.

To inquire about this service, email me at [email protected] and put “Clinical consultation” in the subject line.